Can Bearded Dragons Eat Flowers? (Rose, Hibiscus, and More)

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Flowers

If you’re new to bearded dragons, you may be wondering why your pet is suddenly interested in flowers. Bearded dragons are omnivores, which means that they can eat both meat and plants.


But for the most part, bearded dragons are insectivores (they mostly only eat insects). So why would they be interested in eating flowers?


The short answer: bearded dragons will eat flowers if they’re hungry. But there’s a bit more nuance to it than that.


In this post, we’ll explain why bearded dragons sometimes eat flowers and how you can decide which types of flowers your bearded dragon can eat safely.


What flowers can bearded dragons eat?

Bearded dragons can eat flowers! Flowers are a great way to vary your beardie’s diet and pack in more nutrients.

You can feed them different types of flowers, such as:

  • Sunflower
  • Hibiscus
  • Squash
  • Zucchini (technically considered a vegetable)
  • Clover
  • Buttercup (depend on how it’s prepared)
  • Carnation
  • Cherry blossom
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Dandelion
  • Gerber daisy
  • Lavender
  • Marigold
  • Poppies
  • Narcissus bulbs
  • Sunflower petals
  • Nasturtium flowers
  • Petunia flowers (some petunias are toxic)
  • Rose petals (some roses are toxic)
  • Lobelia
  • Dandelion flowers
  • Lilac/lily of the valley
  • Calla lilies
  • Orchids (but not Phalaenopsis orchids)


Can bearded dragons eat Gerbera daisy flowers?

Gerbera daisy flowers


Gerbera daisy flowers are edible for bearded dragons. The flowers can be eaten by the lizard, but they may not be their favorite food item.


It is important to note that there are different types of Gerbera daisies, so not all varieties of this plant are safe for bearded dragons.


Bearded dragons eat a variety of plant matter, including flowers. Some species will eat some types of flowers and reject others.


This can depend on whether the flower is fresh or dried and how it was prepared. It is also important to note that some flowers have toxic properties that can be harmful to your pet lizard if they consume them in large quantities.


Bearded dragons love eating Gerbera daisy flowers when they are available, but they can also eat other types of flowers as well.


If you are going to offer your pet lizard these foods, it is important to know which ones are safe and which ones could cause harm if consumed in large quantities or over time.


Can bearded dragons eat rose petals?

rose petals


Yes, bearded dragons can eat rose petals. They are a good source of vitamin C.


Bearded dragons love to eat flowers and fruit. They are omnivores and will eat almost anything they can get their hands on.


Bearded dragons mainly eat insects and plants, but they also like to eat meat from time to time.


Insects make up about 90% of the diet of wild bearded dragons, but they also eat reptiles, birds, mammals, and small lizards.


If you have an adult bearded dragon that has been eating meat-based diets all its life then you might want to avoid feeding it any sort of plant matter at all.


However, if your bearded dragon is young or has been eating a plant-based diet up until now then there’s nothing wrong with giving it some veggies every now and again as long as you don’t overdo it.


The benefits of feeding rose petals to your bearded dragon include:


  1. Rose petals are a good source of calcium and vitamin A.
  2. They are also an excellent source of fiber.
  3. Rose petals contain antioxidants that may help prevent heart disease and cancer.
  4. Rose petals are rich in vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system and may reduce your risk of developing colds and flu by fighting off free radicals in the body.
  5. They contain omega fatty acids, including omega-3s and omega-6s, which can help lower your cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation throughout the body.


If you decide to try feeding rose petals to your bearded dragon, make sure they come from organically grown roses that have not been sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals. Also, don’t feed them to young dragons (especially babies) who may mistake them for food and choke on them.


Can bearded dragons eat sunflowers?



While there’s no doubt that bearded dragons love sunflowers, it’s important to be conscious of how many you’re feeding.


Sunflowers should be used as a treat, and not part of their staple diet.




Sunflowers are high in fat, which can lead to obesity in reptiles if they eat too much. Bearded dragons should not get more than 5% of their total caloric intake from fat.


So as long as you keep your bearded dragon away from the seeds (and whole sunflower plants), they’re perfectly safe to eat!


Can bearded dragons eat dandelion flowers?

dandelion flower


 The short answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat dandelion flowers.


The long answer is that it’s not a good idea to feed your bearded dragon dandelions regularly. Dandelion flowers are edible for humans and other mammals, but they’re toxic for reptiles.


Dandelions are also a common weed that grows freely in most yards. They’re edible for humans and other mammals, but they’re toxic for reptiles.


So why would anyone even consider feeding dandelion flowers to their bearded dragon? It’s likely because they’ve heard that bees collect pollen from these flowers and use it as food. That’s true — bees do eat dandelion pollen — but bees are not insects and therefore the same rules don’t apply to them as they do to insects.


Bees are different from other insects in many ways, including how their bodies process toxins like those found in dandelions.


Can bearded dragons eat hibiscus flowers?

hibiscus flowers


The answer is yes! Hibiscus flowers are edible for bearded dragons, and they’re a good source of Vitamin C. They can be given to your beardie in moderation as part of an overall balanced diet.


Hibiscus flowers are easily identifiable by their bright red color, large size, and yellow centers with darker stamen on the inside.


It’s important to know what a hibiscus flower looks like so that you don’t accidentally feed your dragon something else that’s similar-looking but not safe for them to eat (let’s talk about tulips in a minute).


Hibiscus flowers are not toxic to bearded dragons and will not harm your pet if they consume them.


You may want to buy organic ones if you have access to them, but it’s not necessary since these flowers aren’t known to retain toxins as most produce does.


It might be hard finding organic-only hibiscus plants since they’re often sold as cut flowers at florists or grocery stores.



Learn More:



Can bearded dragons eat clover flowers?

clover flowers


Yes, Bearded dragon can eat clover flowers.


Clover is a low-growing, flowering plant that comes in three varieties: red, white, and yellow. It is often found in meadows and grasslands and is sometimes considered a weed.


Clover flowers are edible and contain many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. While they are safe to eat for most people, some may experience an allergic reaction or have an allergic reaction after eating them.


The main benefit of eating clover flowers is their high vitamin C content.


Vitamin C helps boost the immune system and has been shown to help prevent cancer cells from growing. It also helps your body absorb iron more efficiently which helps fight anemia (a condition where there isn’t enough iron in your blood).


Clover flowers contain other vitamins like folate that help prevent birth defects if consumed by pregnant women who don’t get enough folate in their diets through supplements or fortified foods such as cereal grains or bread.


Clover flowers also contain calcium which can help prevent osteoporosis if you’re deficient in this essential mineral or are at risk for developing it later in life due to lifestyle factors such as not getting enough exercise or consuming too much salt which increases your risk for losing bone mass over time due to excess sodium intake leading to higher blood pressure.


They also contain various vitamins which include:


vitamin A

is essential for the growth and strengthening of healthy bone tissue.


vitamin D

supports calcium absorption and proper bone development.


vitamin E

acts as an antioxidant that helps protect against free radical damage caused by chemicals in the environment It’s important to note that these vitamins are found in a variety of other vegetables, so their presence shouldn’t be your main reason for feeding your bearded dragon these types of food.


Can bearded dragons eat squash flowers?

squash flowers


Yes! In fact, squash flowers are a great addition to your bearded dragon’s diet.


They are high in calcium, which is essential for growing strong bones and teeth.


They also contain vitamin A and C, which helps improve your dragon’s immune system.


Can bearded dragons eat zucchini flowers?

zucchini flowers


Bearded dragons can eat zucchini flowers. Not only are they a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, as well as potassium and dietary fiber, but they’re also low in calories and fat.


However, it’s best to offer them flowers from your garden rather than the produce section at the grocery store because those could be contaminated with pesticides that are harmful to your beardie.


A word for bearded dragon owners: It’s crucial that you know what you’re feeding your pet reptiles before offering them foods from the supermarket or garden.


Just because it looks like something they’d eat in nature doesn’t mean it’s safe for them.


Can bearded dragons eat orchid flowers?

orchid flowers


Bearded dragons love to eat fresh orchid flowers.


They are a great source of nutrients, especially protein and fat. In fact, they make a great snack for your bearded dragon.


However, some people may think that it is not safe to feed your beardie with the flower of this plant.


But the truth is that it is safe to feed them with the flower of this plant but you need to know how much you should feed your pet with this food item.


Benefits of Eating Orchid Flowers

Orchid flowers contain lots of nutrients that are essential for the health and growth of your pet. The benefits include:


High in Protein

Orchids are rich in protein content that helps in building strong muscles and bones in your bearded dragon.


It also provides energy for the body and helps in the proper functioning of various organs in the body.


High in Vitamin C

Orchid flowers are high in vitamin C which helps in boosting the immunity system of your pet by increasing the production of white blood cells which fight against infections and diseases like flu, cold, etc.


They are high in protein

Orchid flowers contain a lot of protein because they are made up of over 50% protein by weight.


This makes them an excellent source of protein for your bearded dragon because they need this nutrient in order to stay healthy and grow properly.


Protein helps build muscles and other body tissues, so it is essential that your pet lizard gets enough through its diet each day.


They contain calcium

Calcium is another important nutrient that your bearded dragon needs in order to stay healthy and grow properly.


Can bearded dragons eat buttercup flowers?

buttercup flowers


Buttercup flowers can be a nice treat for your bearded dragon, but it is not recommended to feed them too much of this food.


The buttercup flower can cause severe gastrointestinal problems and even death if eaten in large quantities.


The buttercup plant is toxic to many animals including dogs and cats. It contains a chemical called cardiac glycosides, which causes problems with the heart.


The heart rate will increase, causing the animal to have difficulty breathing. If enough of this chemical is consumed it can cause heart failure or death.


If you do decide to give your bearded dragon buttercup flowers make sure that you only give them one or two at a time so that they don’t eat too much at once.


You should also keep an eye on your bearded dragon after feeding them buttercups to make sure they don’t show any symptoms of poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, or lethargy.


Can bearded dragons eat lavender?



Lavender is a perennial herb that grows in the Mediterranean region and has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties.


Its flowers are sweet-smelling and edible and can be used to make tea or added to salads. Can bearded dragons eat lavender?


The answer is yes, but only if your dragon is young and healthy. Adult bearded dragons should never be fed any type of flower, as it can cause digestive issues.


Benefits of  Lavender Flowers for Bearded dragons

Lavender has many health benefits for both humans and reptiles. For humans, it can help reduce stress, insomnia, and headaches; it also contains antibacterial properties that can fight infections such as colds or flu.


For bearded dragons, lavender is believed to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat arthritis pain when applied directly to the skin or consumed orally in small amounts.


Lavender flowers are rich in vitamins A and C, which help with growth and immunity. They also provide vitamin K, which helps with blood clotting.


This makes them especially beneficial for young bearded dragons who need extra nutrients during their first few years of life.


Lavender flowers also contain luteolin — a flavonoid that may help prevent cancer by stopping molecules called free radicals from damaging healthy cells.


Can bearded dragons eat marigolds?



If you’re wondering if bearded dragons can eat marigolds, the answer is yes, bearded dragons can eat marigolds. Marigolds are a great addition to a beardie’s diet.


See Also


A pet owner who loves to share useful facts and information about a variety of animals.