Snake Acting Retarded? Read This

Snake Acting Retarded?

This is a common question asked by many reptile owners.


The answer is not necessarily easy to find and may require some patience on your part as well as the part of your veterinarian.


We will go over some of the more common reasons why reptiles act retarded and hopefully, this will help you figure out what exactly is going on with your reptile.


Why is my snake acting retarded?

Snake acting retarded


There are many reasons why a snake may act retarded.


Some of the more common reasons that snakes become “retarded” include:



 If you have a pet snake, it’s important to keep the temperature in its enclosure at the proper level.


Snakes are cold-blooded creatures and cannot regulate their own body temperature.


They rely on their environment to provide them with the ideal temperature for them to live and function normally.


If the temperature is too high or low, this can cause your snake to become “retarded.”



Good nutrition is essential for all animals to stay healthy and happy.


It provides them with everything they need to grow and thrive, whether it’s protein, fiber, or other nutrients such as iron or calcium.


When your snake doesn’t get enough nutrition, it may start acting strangely or even stop eating altogether!


In addition to malnutrition being linked to strange behavior, it also increases stress levels which makes snakes more prone to illness and disease.



Snakes can contract many different types of illnesses just like we do!


Sick snakes often have trouble moving around normally and may appear sluggish as a result of a lack of energy due to illness or injury.



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What to do if your snake is acting retarded?

If your snake is acting strange, you’ll want to first ensure that the temps in the enclosure are correct.


A snake with improper temperatures will sometimes refuse to eat and act generally lethargic or nervous when handled.


Inspect your snake for mites, lumps, or other signs of illness.


How to check for mites, lumps, or other problems


1. Check your snake for mites

If you see any itchy spots, or if the snake is scratching itself on its cave or other decorations in its enclosure, you should probably assume it has mites.


Mite infestations are common and can be treated with over-the-counter products from a pet store.


2. Check for lumps

There are a number of different types of lumps that may appear on snakes, some of which indicate health problems.


In general, lumps should be checked out by a vet to rule out malignancy and determine how to treat the problem.


3. Check for other problems:

  • Sight: Are there any tears in your snake’s eyes? Does it seem to have trouble navigating around its cage?
  • Hearing: Can your snake feel vibrations through the ground (this is generally how snakes sense their environment)? Does anything seem “off” about its response to noise?
  • Smell: If you have multiple snakes and they’re not eating well, is there another snake’s scent in the enclosure that’s interfering with their appetite?
  • Skin or scales: Is your snake shedding properly? Does it have any scabs or sores that don’t seem to heal on their own?
  • Unusual behaviors: Is your lizard acting oddly lethargic? Is it avoiding contact with humans in an unusual way?

If you are unable to figure out what is wrong with your snake, you can call your veterinarian for advice.


See Also


A pet owner who loves to share useful facts and information about a variety of animals.