This article will help you understand why your beardie is turning grey and how to solve this problem.
It is important to get your bearded dragon back to its natural color.
The information provided in this article will help you do just that.
Reasons why my bearded dragon is turning grey?
There are many reasons why your beardie is turning grey.
The most common cause is Calcium deficiency.
This can be from a lack of UVB light, but often it’s because of the food you’re feeding them.
The other major cause of greyness is:
Bearded dragons shed their skin in order to grow into a new one; this process takes approximately two weeks per shed cycle.
During this time, your bearded dragon will be eating less than normal because they do not want to waste energy on replacing skin that cannot be used anymore.
The best thing you can do during this period gives them plenty of water so they don’t dehydrate while they are eating less than usual.
You may also notice that your bearded dragon becomes lethargic during this period; this is because he/she does not have enough energy to move about much.
Bearded dragons will often lay around for most of the day when they are going through a shed cycle; however, this does not mean that something is wrong with them as long as they are still eating some food and drinking
Natural color change
Bearded dragons have a natural color change that occurs as they age.
The change is due to hormones and other factors in the lizard’s body.
It can also depend on the season, with adults becoming lighter during the summer months and darker during winter ones.
This is normal for bearded dragons and doesn’t require any treatment.
Getting older
As bearded dragons get older, their colors tend to darken.
The yellow coloration of younger dragons fades as they get older, and the beards become darker and more prominent.
Stress can affect any age bearded dragon. When they are under stress, they may turn grey and become unresponsive to their environment and owners.
If you see this happen in your pet dragon, make sure that you check on them regularly and provide them with plenty of heat and light so they feel comfortable enough to eat again.
Another reason why your bearded dragon may turn gray is that they are sick.
If a bearded dragon looks like it’s going through a natural color change but does not eat for more than two days, there is a possibility that it has an illness causing this reaction such as parasites or internal bacterial infection (IBD).
In this case, you will want to take your pet to a vet as soon as possible for a diagnosis
Ready to breed or brumating (hibernating)
The color change is caused by hormones that are released when your dragon reaches sexual maturity (usually around age two).
You can see this in other species as well; for example, male birds become colorful during the breeding season to attract a mate.
How can you prevent your bearded dragon from turning grey?
To prevent your bearded dragon from turning grey, you should make sure it gets enough calcium and vitamin D in its diet.
Bearded dragons are omnivorous, which means they eat plants.
Bearded dragons do not eat meat. This is why you should feed them a healthy green salad every day.
The greens will give your bearded dragon the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay healthy and colorful!
It’s also important to remember that beards dragons need more calcium than other lizards because their shells are made of keratin (the same material as human hair).