Can Dogs Eat Oysters? (Raw, Cooked, In Oil & Smoked)

Can Dogs Eat Oysters

Can Dogs Eat Oysters? This is a good question, especially if you find oysters as the delicacy they are.


It is normal to wonder whether your furry friend can enjoy the treat the way you do.


Whether they can digest it or whether it is toxic.


Worry no more, for you can share oysters with your canine friend.


Dogs can eat oysters. Oysters are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, minerals such as iron, selenium, and zinc. Proteins are essential to your pet as it keeps their muscles healthy.

Omega-3s boost their health all rounded, reduces the risk of falling sick, and decrease inflammation. For dogs with chicken or fish allergies, seafood is an appropriate change. Apart from oysters, dogs also enjoy salmon, cod, sardines, smelt, haddock, and anchovies.

Dog owners need to avoid tuna and swordfish as they may have very high mercury levels toxic to their dogs.


However, dogs should not be fed raw oysters as they will be at risk of contracting salmonella and other foodborne illnesses.


Therefore, it is important to observe all the precautions when preparing the oysters for them.


Such safeguards include not cross-contaminating your prepping area and ensuring all equipment is well washed before and after use.


It is crucial to introduce oysters to your dog slowly.


Many dogs have very sensitive stomachs, and with the fast change in foods, they may go through terrible stomach upsets


Therefore, carefully and slowly introduce them to the oysters to avoid the risk of them having stomach upsets and bad reactions as you observe whether they may be allergic to the oysters.


The number of oysters to be fed to your dog depends on the dog’s size and what else is on their diet.


To be sure, you should consult with the vet to clarify how much they should per serving and how many times in a given amount of time.


Benefits Of Feeding Oysters To Your Dog

oyster for dogs


There are specific benefits of feeding oysters to your dog, unlike feeding them other meals.


These benefits include:



help keep their muscles healthy. Also, they help keep your pet full when eating.


Omega-3 fatty acids

Oysters hold just enough fat oils per serving. Omega-3s boost the health of your dog all-rounded.


Reduces the risk of falling sick and helps reduce inflammation, which is said to be among the cause of many health issues.



with zinc, selenium, and iron minerals, your dog’s joints and energy levels become healthier, not leaving out their thyroid health.



Oysters are used by traditional Chinese as medicine.

They help reduce phlegm, drain, and reduce fluid build-up in the body.


For example, some dogs have a disease called Chiari malformation.

It causes the spinal fluid to build up.


When oysters are incorporated into the diet of these dogs, it will help reduce the spinal fluid and phlegm, making them healthier and comfortable.




Learn More:



Three risks of feeding your dog oysters

There are some risks associated with feeding oysters to your dog.


Some of these risks are avoidable so it is up to you as the owner to be careful. Here are some of the risks:


1. Overfeeding

To maintain a healthy weight for your dog, you should not overfeed them.


Even healthy oysters fed in excess can have your dog having health issues.


So always keep in mind the calorie and fat content of your dog’s feeds.


2. Allergies

In the same way, you would not know whether you are allergic to certain foods until you eat them, it is the same for dogs.


You would not know whether they are allergic or not until they try oysters.


With this uncertainty, you must start small when introducing oysters to avoid risks and to be able to observe them.


3. Toxic fish

Oysters are bottom feeders.


They feed on toxins and algae blooms from the bottom part of water bodies, which could easily make your dog suffer from paralytic shellfish poisoning.


To make sure this does not happen, make sure you source your oysters from clean cold waters and if it is from fishmongers, ask them to test the oysters for toxicity.


In the US, there is a saying that goes; you should avoid eating oysters in May, June, July, and August, the months that do not have the letter “R”.


There is some truth to this; these months are mostly warmer (summer) the air and water temperatures increase. It is, therefore, hard to keep the oysters cold and fresh.


How To Feed Oysters To Your Dog?

dog with oyster in background


These instructions help dog owners to cook oysters for their dogs correctly to avoid the risk of harmful reactions or sickness.


1. Remove the oysters from the shell

Oyster shells will have you and your dog at the veterinarian.


Shells should be kept out of reach of dogs.


When ingested, they cause a lot of harm, such as blocking the intestines or the dog’s stomach.


2. Cook the oyster

Cooking oysters eliminates the risk of your dog contracting any foodborne diseases.


Cook at an internal temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit, ensuring that all microorganisms are dead.


You have a variety of ways of making oysters for your dog.


These include:

  • Roasting
  • Steaming
  • Lightly sauté
  • Baking
  • Dehydrating
  • Grilling


While using any of these methods, ensure they are heated to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.


The best way to feed oysters your dog is by dehydrating using a dehydrator or drying them overnight.


You are advised not to smoke, fry oysters, or batter them with oil prior since you will be adding the fat content from the oil, which is not healthy for your dog. Smoked oysters can only be eaten in moderation.


They can be used as a treat for gifting the dog.


3. Do not use oil or spices when cooking oysters

Oil fat and spices can cause some upset to your dog.

Additionally, the oils also cause rapid weight gain.


If the preparation and making of oysters feel like a hustle, you could purchase canned oysters from grocery stores.


Choose oysters that are stored in water rather than in oil or brine.


Ensure that they are not seasoned, salted, flavored, or have preservatives to avoid risks of stomach irritation.



Oysters are healthy proteins.


If well incorporated into your dog’s diet, it will live a healthier life.


Oysters are best served when dehydrated, boiled, or grilled.


Keep the shells out of reach for your dog because you do not want to visit the vet cause of blocked intestines.


Introduce the oysters in their diet slowly and watch them grow to loving them and becoming healthier.


See Also


A pet owner who loves to share useful facts and information about a variety of animals.