How To Discipline A Spoiled Dog? (9 Actionable Tips)

How To Discipline A Spoiled Dog

Puppies are beautiful. Your latest puppy is, without a doubt, the cutest.

While they are arguably the cutest creatures on the planet, your puppy might do something obnoxious.

It might be tearing away your beloved sneakers.

Your dog is urinating in your room.

Most likely, your expression as you see what your latest puppy has done to your shoes and bed is not that pleasant.


Training a spoiled dog might be difficult at the beginning, but it is not entirely impossible. You can go for the old-fashioned classic taming or just undergoing your dog’s comprehensive training. There are many possibilities of unspooling your dog, and you have to find the right one for you.


However, before you begin, take some time to ensure you’re taking the right approach.

You’re able to start curbing those naughty puppy habits like a pro after you’ve perfected the essentials of unspooling your pet dog once and for all!


1. Consistency is The Key

Skip would feel confused and would not learn the desired behavior if he is disciplined for barking at the neighbors on Tuesday but not on Wednesday.

Giving in “just this time” can perpetuate the wrong actions, culminating in a puppy dilemma that becomes a dog problem (and staying your problem).


2. Be Prompt in Disciplining

dog surrounded with toys

Punish an action only if you spot the dog doing so. When you reprimand a naughty dog that has chewed through the screen door ten minutes away, it will not realize it is being disciplined.

To do this, you can use specialized devices to monitor your dog at all times consistently.

For instance, you will keep an eye on your puppy from afar with a pet camera that will relay your speech if you spot him at the screen door.


3. Be the Boss

A strong “no” from you demonstrates to your puppy that his conduct is inappropriate, but shouting or physical violence from you would only render him scared of you.

Dogs are oblivious to the fact that these reactions are aimed at a specific action and often view them as threats to themselves.

A successful puppy parent and teacher can exercise control while remaining calm.

You do not have to necessarily terrorize your dog to the point that it will be traumatized.

Stay calm, and train your pup in incrementing levels.


4. Add Constructive Reinforcement

It is just as necessary to praise positive puppy behavior as it is to punish poor puppy behavior.

In contrast, this might hurt your dog training experience than it helps.

Always remember that dogs love a good hug and warmth!


For instance, you may call your dog, “Dixie, did you quit barking when you ordered her to? Dixie, go!” Offer her something special.

Did your dog use the toilet outside? That’s fantastic! Tell him how much of a friendly kid he is.





5. Implement Timeouts

It turns out that timeouts aren’t just for misbehaving children!

Naughty puppies will also benefit from timeouts, also known as “isolation.”

When used in reaction to habits such as bothering other pets, nipping, or chewing, timeouts are more valuable.


Pro tip: The safest approach to punish the dog with timeouts is to send her a friendly verbal signal (for example, “Oops!”) and either exit the room (if you are alone) or lead her to a place where she can be isolated from other people and pets.

Crates may also be used as efficient timeout zones. A timeout can hopefully last for more than a couple of minutes.


6. Usage of Physical Discipline is Not Allowed

While this was once encouraged to show a dog who the “boss of the group” is, it is no longer the most successful training tool.

Physical punishment can lead to long-term traumatic tendencies, and this does not only apply to human kids.

Although a slap on the muzzle or a sudden push on the back may cause your dog to avoid a problem action, so much of this form of discipline may transform him from a naughty puppy into a severely lousy dog.

Always take the time to find a more nurturing way to discipline your furry buddy.


7. Don’t Look Down, Pull, or Restrain Your Dog

Threatening behavior teaches the dog to dislike or defy you, although physical manipulation prompts her to protect herself.

Neither path yields the desired result because even though these approaches get your puppy to submissiveness now, they will contribute to pent-up hostility that manifests later.


8. Yelling or Whining is A Big No-No

dog being scolded

How should you discipline your puppy?

Puppies pick up on the cues we send them because our tone of voice is nervous or out of reach.

They will become anxious and hyperactive in response.

While it might seem that your puppy would be more responsive to your orders if they are noisy or furious, dog trainers prefer using a gentle yet firm tone instead.

9. Be Urgent

As a dog dad, you’re probably comfortable with the following puppy issues: jumping on or nibbling humans, barking unnecessarily, peeing or pooping indoors, and chewing on furniture or other household items (or can expect to be).

It is one aspect of puppy care that can be more challenging than enjoyable.

There are a couple of the more prevalent issues that new puppy parents like you encounter, and taking an urgent step is always helpful in every situation.


Key Takeaway

Puppies may be a handful, but with good training, your new furry companion will grow routines that will keep both of you satisfied and healthy.

No matter what you do in training your dog, do not rush it. Have a sensible urgency and carefulness, as you are dealing with a living thing, not a mere toy!

Pet cams and traditional means of disciplining dogs render training much simpler by helping you encourage healthy habits and prevent bad ones by interacting with your pet remotely, keeping it busy and out of danger.


Best wishes and happy training!


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A pet owner who loves to share useful facts and information about a variety of animals.