In a world full of dogs with their Instagram accounts, pet clothing is a popular trend right now.
If you are like many pet lovers who enjoy seeing your dog well dressed, you might have seen your dog resist clothing.
But why exactly do they do this?
What is the reason behind their refusal to move forward with sweaters on?
There are many reasons why your dog may freeze or not move when dressed in sweaters. First of all, unlike people, dogs are not used to wearing clothes. The clothes cover their body and they are not comfortable in them.
They might also get an allergic reaction to the sweater or just simply feel overheated if the weather is relatively warm.
Let’s dig in further to know why your dog won’t move with a sweater on.
1. Overstimulation
Although dogs love to be petted, they are not used to being touched everywhere at the same time.
It’s overstimulating and confusing for them.
If you find that your dog is simply holding back in response to anything you do, then you need to check what you’re doing and stop.
2. The Nature of the Sweater
The fabric of the clothing can also play a role.
Some fabrics are softer on their fur, while others are not.
For example, 100% cotton is the material that most dog clothes are made of due to the breathability of the fabric.
Try to change the material, and your dog may be more ready to wear it.
3. The Sweater Is Uncomfortable
If your dog suddenly stops walking and is no longer moving, the problem could be with the sweater.
Most dog owners tend to purchase vests for their dog’s safety from the cold.
However, many do not understand that it should be comfortable to wear.
4. The Thickness of the Dog’s Fur Coat
Dogs, like cats, are known to have a thick or thin layer of fur that covers their entire body.
Most dogs do not need extra clothing to protect them from harsh climates.
In fact, by exposing your dog to thick clothing while they have a thick coat, you are causing damage.
It might look cool, but your dog is not happy.
If your dog has a thin coat of fur and the weather is cooler, it will be helpful to give him a jacket or coat when going out.
Dogs have sweat glands on the soles of their paws, so they can get overheated if their home is hot and they wear thick clothes.
5. It Is Unnatural For Dogs
Clothes are not natural for dogs, and they generally do not like them.
Many dogs hate clothes, and it is unfair to force them into totally needless things just to satisfy our human desires.
They are living things, not dolls or stuffed animals, and they deserve to be comfortable.
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6. Poor Health
Older dogs are more prone to certain conditions such as arthritis or a weakened immune system that may require thick clothing.
Also, as dogs get older, their thermoregulation decreases.
Even a dog in a thicker coat may need clothes in the winter.
So, if your older dog still loves to walk, wearing thick clothing is a must to keep him warm.
On the other hand, younger dogs also have a lot of accumulated energy.
Depending on the breed, hiking may not be enough to tire them out completely.
Putting on sweaters will wear them out.
7. May Be a Stubborn Dog
Some dogs can be stubborn and will not wear any type of clothing.
I have seen dogs shivering in the streets, and their owners admit that they have just given up.
If your dog will not agree to wear that cute insulated jacket or coat, accept that and reduce his exposure to cold.
8. They Don’t Just Like It
Not all dogs love fashion or like to dress up.
If it gets your dog upset or nervous about it, don’t do it.
However, many dogs need only a little persuasion and positive reinforcement.
9. The Climate Where You Living
If you live in harsh and almost wintry climates, any clothing additions to your dog’s life may be beneficial.
For example, if your dog has high energy and loves to walk, consider offering shoes to protect his paws.
Dogs in harsh climates may require a coat, jacket, or even a jacket, depending on the thickness of their coat.
10. Allergic Reactions
Most dogs don’t have a problem with the cold but may be allergic to wool or other fabrics in their clothing which can cause itching or even skin rashes.
Switch your dog’s clothing to materials like polyester are OK for dogs with allergies because they’re less likely to experience an allergic reaction.
How to Change Your Dog’s Behavior?
Before answering this question, let’s first ask why you would like to change their behavior.
If your dog is smaller in size and lacks a thick winter coat like some larger dogs, then wearing dog clothes can be not only fashionable but also practical.
However, if you have a dog that does not need that extra layer, a different type of clothing may be a better idea.
As with any major life change, the introduction of clothing into a dog’s life should start small.
Start by putting one sock on one of their feet or just a light jacket.
If they react well, then this is a good sign that they will not reject larger pieces of clothing.
Final Takeaway
If your dog does not like sweaters and tends to freeze instead, do not make him wear the clothes.
You can still enjoy a good time with your pet.
Dogs can get overheated easily, so make sure your dog’s clothing is not too bulky or heavy.
Be on the lookout for the elastic features around the paw area, and make sure there is enough room in the circumferential chest area.
If your dog is easily stumbling or tripping, the sweater is too long.
Finally, if you respect your dog’s personal needs and limitations, you can quickly determine if your dog’s clothing is appropriate for him or not.