In this article, we’ll look at the common causes of a leopard gecko throwing up, and how to prevent it.
We’ll also show you how to treat your pet if they do get sick.
Reasons why my leopard gecko throws up?
Leopard geckos are unique and interesting pets. They are very low maintenance and require only a small enclosure, food, water, and a heat source.
When you first get your leopard gecko or when you notice something different with your pet’s daily routine, regurgitation can be alarming.
Many owners wonder if their leopard gecko is ill but it is important to understand that there are several reasons why your leopard gecko may throw up.
1. Improper diet
Leopard geckos should be fed a variety of different foods to ensure proper nutrition. If you feed your leopard gecko just one type of food, it could become deficient in certain nutrients and develop illness as a result.
In addition, if you feed your leopard gecko too much of one type of food or not enough of another type, it may develop an imbalance in its gut flora or have digestive problems from overeating.
2. Parasites
Parasites such as pinworms or tapeworms will cause your leopard gecko to throw up its food because they irritate its digestive tract and make it uncomfortable when eating
3. Excessive movement
They may be stressed out from being moved around too much, either before or after you’ve gotten them from a pet store (you should never handle your gecko for more than 10 minutes at a time), or from another animal trying to eat them (if you have other pets)
4. Small cage
They don’t have enough space to move around in their cage (this often happens if they are kept in small cages).
Make sure there is plenty of space for them to move around in their tank and that it’s not too warm, as this will make them throw up too (they won’t be able to digest food if it’s too hot).
5. The humidity is too high or too low
Low humidity can cause dehydration in leopard geckos just like it does in humans.
If you notice that your leopard gecko is dehydrated or has dry eyes or skin, increase the humidity level in its tank by misting it with water several times per day until its condition improves.
You should also make sure that there are no drafts blowing through your home because these will dry out your lizard as well!
6. Infection
If your gecko is throwing up regularly and has diarrhea, it might be infected with something like popeye or another parasite.
The symptoms of infection include lethargy, dehydration, and loss of appetite. A vet visit is recommended if you suspect infection in your pet.
What does leopard gecko vomit look like?
Leopard gecko vomit looks like a clear liquid that has been mixed with some food particles (usually green or brown).
You might also see some blood mixed in with the vomit as well if there is any bleeding inside the mouth or throat area of your leopard gecko
What to do when my leopard gecko vomits?
If you suspect your gecko’s vomiting is actually regurgitation, you should handle the situation in a different way.
First, don’t interrupt or attempt to stop the regurgitation process. The food that was causing your pet discomfort will come back up and he or she will feel much better afterward. Next, remove any stressors from their environment and try different foods until you find one that agrees with them.
Regurgitation can occur for a number of reasons and it is common for new owners to not notice the signs early on and not know how to react when it begins.
While it isn’t always necessary to take your gecko to the vet, if vomiting persists for more than 24 hours or if your pet becomes lethargic or stops eating altogether, schedule an appointment with a local reptile vet as soon as possible.