Dog Peeing in Sleep – What To Do About It?

Dog Peeing in Sleep

You were always eager to share your bed with your fur baby until one day something strange happens.

Suddenly, you wake up to a wet patch on your white beddings and your pup looking so guilty.

You cannot help but wonder, “Was my dog peeing while sleeping?”.

Wait, what?

Isn’t bedwetting something that affects humans alone?

Turns out this is something that is experienced in the canine world as well.


There are several reasons why a dog pees in sleep, chief among them being;

  • Illness
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Age
  • Body alterations



🐶  Did you know...

Some dogs may not be able to control their bladder out of fear. It is called submissive urination and it should not be confused with urinary incontinence.



Dog pees in sleep due to illness

Some diseases cause urinary incontinence in dogs.

They include;

  1. Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  2. Diabetes mellitus
  3. Spinal cord disease
  4. Kidney disease
  5. Bladder stones
  6. Cushing disease


1. UTIs

Bladder infection could be the reason why a dog pees in sleep.

Also, UTI causes a dog to have excessive thirst.

As the dog drinks more, they will tend to pee a lot which may extend even in their sleep.

If your dog does not wake up to go, despite all the training they have, they may likely have a UTI.


2. Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes in dogs causes excessive thirst which leads to peeing more often.

Urinary incontinence will be accompanied by symptoms like lethargy and excessive weight loss.

Some diabetic dogs will experience an increased appetite with minimal weight gain.


3. Spinal cord disease

If the spinal cord is injured or sickly, it can affect a dog’s motor functions.

Some of these functions including mobility and the dog’s ability to feel the sensation.

The poor pup will not feel the urge to pee and will likely have an accident while sleeping.

Some generative diseases affect the spinal cord as well.

Check with your vet if you suspect your dog has a spinal cord injury or illness.


4. Kidney Disease

The kidneys help clear waste out of the body through urine.

Illness not only weakens kidney functions but may also cause disorientation in a dog.

Some of the bodily functions affected are the dog’s ability to control bowel movements.


5. Bladder Stones

Poorly functioning kidneys can cause bladder stones in a dog.

The stones start small but gradually grow bigger and affect a dog’s urinary tract.

Not only can these stones cause urinary incontinence they can also make peeing painful for your dog.


6. Hormonal Imbalances

A dog peeing while sleeping could be caused by underlying physiological issues like hormonal imbalance.

A hormone imbalance is common in female dogs than in male dogs.

Common hormonal imbalances in dogs include;

  • Cortisol spike
  • Estrogen drop


Cortisol is a hormone that helps regulate stress and fight infections.

When this hormone is produced in excess in a dog, it leads to a disease called Cushing’s syndrome.

A dog with Cushing’s syndrome tends to be thirsty and hungry all the time.

You will also notice a loss of hair or poor hair growth.

The dog may also have a pot belly and is always lethargic.

Another common symptom of cortisol spike is a dog peeing while sleeping.


Estrogen is the hormone responsible for developing and maintaining sexual features in a female dog.

When the levels of estrogen drop, they affect several body functions including regulation of the receptors that control sphincter muscles in the bladder.

When a dog has low estrogen levels, the bladder neuroreceptors fail to control the sphincter muscles effectively.

This causes the bladder muscles to weaken and the dog pees in sleep.

Some dogs will experience urine leaks while walking.



Puppies are likely to pee in their sleep because they are not yet potty trained.

These accidents should lessen once you train the puppies to do their business outside.

But as a dog ages, its bladder muscles may grow weaker making it hard to control bowel movement.


Body alterations

Peeing in sleep is a common symptom in dogs that have been spayed or neutered.

Female dogs can suffer what is called spay incontinence which is a urine leak because of weakened bladder muscles.

One out of five female dogs may not fully recover from a spaying surgery and may experience urine incontinence for the rest of its life.


What can I do if my dog peed on my bed while sleeping?

Dog Peeing in Sleep

If you are constantly asking yourself “Why does my dog pee in her sleep?” you are not alone.

Many pet lovers have to come to the rescue whenever their dog pees in sleep.

Fortunately, it is possible to cure or manage the condition.


Here is what you should do if your dog pees in sleep:


1. Get the dog checked 

If your dog peeing while sleeping becomes a chronic problem, you have to take them to a vet.

The vet will carry out a diagnosis of the dog and discover the main problem.

Urinary incontinence can be corrected through over-the-counter medication like antibiotics.

In some cases, surgery may be required to correct the problem.

Some vets will recommend exercises that can help manage or get rid of urinary incontinence in your dog.


2. Monitor their bowel movement

When you notice your dog pees in sleep, you have to monitor their bowel movements.

Note down when the pup relieves themselves and how often they do it.

Also, check if your dog struggles to relieve themselves.

Examine the pee for any strange color or odor.

This information will be handy for your vet to properly diagnose your dog.

This also helps you stop accidents before they happen.


3. Take the dog out for walks 

Walks help strengthen the sphincter muscles.

Walking is good for dogs that have been spayed or neutered.

As the bladder muscles are strengthened, your dog will pee in their sleep.

Taking your dog out is also a great opportunity for them to empty their bladder.


4. Exercise your dog

Exercises help keep your dog happy and in shape.

It prevents them from becoming obese which is the onset of diabetes mellitus.

Exercises also keep the immune system strong and help the dog to fight urinary tract infections.


5. Use waterproof liners 

Waterproof liners can help prevent your dog from soiling his beddings.

It also makes cleaning up after your dog easy and prevents his sleeping place from developing a bad odor.


6. Preventive measures

Feed your dog a healthy diet to ensure they are getting the right nutrients for their health.

You could always go for natural holistic treatments like turmeric for dogs.

Maintaining a healthy weight in your dog also helps prevent illnesses that can cause urinary incontinence.

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A pet owner who loves to share useful facts and information about a variety of animals.