Cat Pooping In Tub – How To Prevent It?

Cat Pooping In Tub

Two things that can take away the miseries of life is music and cats.

But what if your cat has a habit of taking a dump in your tab.

So much for taking away the misery right?


Cats will relieve themselves on your tab for many reasons. It could be that their litter box is full or is misplaced. Some cats are picky and would reject some brands of kitty litter. Also, cat pooping in a tub could be a sign of distress or sickness.


Why does my cat poop in the tub?

cat in bathroom

You are not alone on this one.

Many other pet parents to amazing felines have come home to the horror their kitty did.

Doing a poo right in the middle of the tub.

But why does cat poop in a tub?


Common reasons for this new and strange behavior, even for a trained cat, include;

  • Litter box issues
  • Cat rejecting litter
  • Psychological problems
  • Health issues


Litter box issues

It is not uncommon for a cat to reject its litter box if they find issues with it.

Cats love to go on clean litter boxes.

If the litter box is full, they will seek alternatives which may include your bathtub, sink, or shower floor.


Another problem is if the litter box is not placed in a convenient place for the cat.

Cats don’t like change if they did not consent to it.


Also, cats do not like you snooping around when they are doing their business.



Do not meddle in the affairs of cats, for they are subtle and will piss on your computer

-Bruce Graham



A cat will reject a litter box that is placed in areas with lots of human traffic.

The cat would rather look for a private place like your tub or under your bed.

When cat poops in your tub, there is a good chance they do not like sharing the litter box.

If you live with two or more cats and there is a rivalry between them, one cat may dominate the litter box.

The other cats have to seek alternatives.



🐱 Fun Fact

Does your cat like the smell of bleach on your tub? Bleach has a catnip-like ‘high’ that can cause your feline to, erm, ‘forget himself’.



Cat rejecting litter

Cats are picky beings and will reject kitty litter if they don’t like the brand.

But it goes deeper, a cat rejecting litter is because it does not smell familiar to him.

Cats mark everything with the pheromones in their pee and paw pads.



All cats are possessed of a proud spirit, and the surest way to forfeit the esteem of a cat is to treat him as an inferior being

-Michael Joseph



The texture of the litter could be a problem too. Felines love fine-grained litter that feels soft to their paws.

Large particles in litter tend to stick in the cat’s paws and they do not like that.


Psychological problems

Cats, like humans, can have episodes of stress and anxiety.

When a cat is not in the right place mentally, it will show in many ways including forgetting their house training rules.



Inappropriate elimination (urination and defecation) ranks as the most frequently presented feline behavioral problem



Common reasons for stress and anxiety in cats include;

  • Separation anxiety- some cat breeds thrive better around their owner. Leaving them on their own for long could cause distress.
  • A sudden change of location- if the cat’s toys, bed, and litter are moved to a different location. Also, relocating to a new home can cause stress in a cat.
  • Changes in the environment like noise from construction or fireworks at night.


Learn More:

How Much Space Does a Cat Need



Cats peeing on clothes or defecating on your tab, sink, and showers are ways they show distress.

Also, heightened stress in cats can cause;

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Excessive grooming
  • Shyness and hiding

Another common sign of stress is when your cat is suddenly needy.

It may appear like affection but they are actually in distress.

Watch out for other signs like excessive meowing or refusing to leave your side.


Health issues

A cat may poop on your tub as a sign of sickness.

Inflammatory bowel disease is one of the causes of inappropriate elimination in cats.


Anal gland diseases and constipation could also cause your feline to poop on your tub.

If you suspect your cat is sick, take them to a vet immediately.

A proper diagnosis will help know what your cat is suffering from.

In the case of inflammatory bowel diseases, your vet will prescribe antibiotics that will clear the infection.


Also, adding fiber to your cat’s diet can help with constipation and other bowel diseases.

A constipating cat may reject the litter box if they feel it is the cause of their problems.

One great source of fiber for cats is a fresh slice of watermelon.


How do you stop a cat from pooping in the tub?

cat in bath tub

Empty and clean the cat’s litter box or switch back to the brand they like.

If you have more than one cat, consider getting each cat a personal litter box.


Let your vet diagnose any underlying health problem that is causing your cat’s inappropriate elimination behavior.

Once the disease is cured, you may house train your cat to use the litter box again.


Consider spending more time with your cat to prevent separation anxiety.

Also, do not make any sudden changes in the cat’s life- like moving their litter box, using cleaning products with different scents, or moving to a new house.

If there is any change to be made, let it be gradual enough for the cat to accommodate it.

VIDEO: Why Does My Cat Poo In The Bathtub?



We hope your answer “Why does my cat poop in the tub?” is answered.

It is important not to scold your cat for inappropriate elimination.

Instead, find the cause of the behavior and correct your cat with love.


See Also

Frequently Asked Questions

Put the cat in a confined room with the litter box in it. Let the cat familiarize itself with the litter box before moving it to a private place the cat frequents. Never put the cat’s food next to its litter box.

Change your cat’s litter at least twice a week. If you clean the litter box often, remove any clumped-up particles and only leave behind soft sandy litter.

Punishing your cat for pooping in the tub will only escalate the problem. Instead, try and restrict the cat’s access to the bathroom. Clean the tab to remove any scent that may attract the cat again. Also, clean and change the cat’s litter to redirect the cat’s attention.

Cats do not poop outside the litter box out of vengeance. It could due to sudden changes in their routine, an underlying sickness, or a behavioral problem.


A pet owner who loves to share useful facts and information about a variety of animals.