Is Centipede Bite Poisonous To Dogs?

Centipede Bite Dog

Does your dog get bitten by a centipede?


Or did your doggie take a bite of a centipede?


Alright, first, don’t panic.


Sometimes these things happen.


We’ll show you all you need to know when dealing with a centipede’s bite, how to treat the sting, and ways to prevent it from happening to your dog again!


The first question should be, “Do Centipede bites Poison dogs?”


You’ll be glad when you hear that, that most of the time, a centipede’s sting is not poisonous to dogs.


A lot of centipedes possess a defense mechanism (spray) they give off.


This spray can cause allergic reactions to some dogs.


The most likely scenario is that the centipede bite could come off like a bee sting to your dog, which may cause mild irritation to the pup.


Other than that, the puppy will be mostly fine.


The same thing can happen if your dog eats a centipede.


You should consider a few things when a centipede bite happens, the size and type of centipede.


The most common house centipedes are harmless, while a select few can be poisonous.


Another important factor is the size of your dog.


Smaller dogs are more likely to develop a reaction from a centipede’s bite.


Some dogs are naturally allergic to centipedes.


If your dog is in this category, your dog will be more likely to develop an allergic reaction.


How poisonous are centipedes to your dogs?

Many centipedes are not poisonous to dogs.

But unfortunately, few large wild ones can cause significant pain to your dog.

Which in some sad cases may be fatal.

A few dangerous species include the Giant Scolopendridae, the Scolopendra Cingulata, and the Scolopendra Cataracta.

There are other poisonous centipede species, but the ones above have been selected as the deadliest of them all.

Don’t get scared, though.

These are mostly found in the wild.

They are highly unlikely to be found within the premises of your house.

So, you can breathe a sigh of relief.

For house centipedes, many of them are harmless when it comes to the strength of their venom.

That being said, a string of bees is more likely to cause a severe reaction than a house centipede.


What to do if a centipede bites your dog?

centipede bite on dogs


If you find out that your dog has been bitten by a centipede, here are the steps you should take to help him/her get through the experience as painlessly and as stress-free as possible:


1. Separate your dog from the centipede as soon as you can

When a dog has got a squirmy little centipede in his/her mouth, it’s not advisable to put your hand there.


You want to signal to the dog to drop the centipede ASAP.


This is where your training will come into play (I hope you trained your drug).


2. Keep calm if you’re trying to control your dog

When trying to separate them, you want to give off a calm and loving vibe because your dog will feed off it.


Make sure your dog understands that you’re doing what’s best.


If you notice any aggressive reaction, try to remain gentle.


3. Check your dogs for signs of bites

Once both of you are calm, check him to see if there are indications that your dog has been stung.


If you notice any sting, monitor it and note if there are other symptoms.


4. Give your vet a call and follow what they tell you to do

Your dog may appear to be okay, but you’d want to put a call to your vet and tell them what happened so they could check if you should bring him to the clinic immediately.


You’ll be asked questions about the dog’s history and an in-depth explanation of the incident.


5. If you have doubts, take him in

Even when your vet says there’s nothing wrong and you feel that something’s not right, don’t wait to take him to the clinic to be on the safe side.


Until he’s been examined and signed off, trust your instincts when in doubt.



Learn More:

Can Dogs Have Chicken Noodle Soup During Illness



Signs and symptoms of a centipede bite on dogs

So, now that we’ve seen what to do in a bite situation.


Here are the signs and symptoms you should look for while trying to diffuse the situation:


A bump on the bite site

On the area where your dog was bitten, you’ll notice it raised, red, and in some cases, it may be swollen.


In other instances, it could look like just a regular bug bite.


If you take a good look, you’ll see little pinpricks, which are where the bite marks are.


Increased licking of the area or focus on the sting

This here is really sad to watch.


Your doggie will start to feel uncomfortable and will most likely be in pain.


He will lick or pick at the bump around the area to help relieve the discomfort.


Note this because it will help determine the level of pain the dog is in.


Excessive drooling

If you notice your dog is drooling, this is actually called an inflammation response.


This means that there is a sting in your dog’s mouth.


Do not punish your dog for the excess drooling because the dog can’t control it.


Actually, the droll will help the dog heal faster.


Pain and discomfort

Your doggie may seem to be in pain and very uncomfortable.


You’ll notice some whining and probably some panting.


At this moment, his usual attitude and demeanor will change.


So it is up to you as a caring owner to take him to the vet to ensure that everything is okay.



The most important thing to do is not panic and make sure your dog gets the best help.


You can also check out centipede habitats around your area and clear them so that you reduce the chances of your dog being bitten in the future.


Hope this article helped you out.


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A pet owner who loves to share useful facts and information about a variety of animals.